iPhone’s Rightful Owner

Apple’s got the green light to do what every sane person in the world expected in the first place… the ‘privlege’ of using the iPhone name (a registered tm of Cisco). Or, looking at this another way, Cisco gets to keep their tradmark until someone else comes along to challenge it.

So, what does all that mean in the end? “SQUAT” The ONLY thing it means is AAPL stock was up $2 for all of about 30 minutes (the equivalent of a HOORAH! on Wall Street) and then promptly settled back down in both price and volume.

Apple was going to manage to eek this one out all along and the iPhone launch is now baked into the price of Apple stock. Not much, short of the FCC panning the device is going to detract from Apple’s iPhone plans.

BTW, did you see the iPhone is now front and center again on the Apple homepage? ’tis true.

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